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The MP6 Workout Book by John Hansen


The MP6 Workout is an Advanced Training Program for those who are interested in getting both Bigger and Stronger. This program is based on the concept that a “Bigger Muscle is a Stronger Muscle”. Building bigger muscles by training with progressively heavier resistance is a proven concept that bodybuilders throughout history have proven works. The MP6 Workout system consists of training cycles that are specifically designed to increase strength first and muscle mass second. By using specificity of training to develop more power, you will be able to use more resistance to build greater muscle mass by training for the optimum number of repetitions for hypertrophy. The MP6 Workout Book will demonstrate how to set up workout cycles for Power and Mass. Each cycle lasts six weeks and you will learn how to design your own workout routine to include the Best Exercises, use the right number of sets to avoid overtraining and emphasize growth and the right amount of repetitions for each muscle group for both Power and Mass.

The MP6 Workout Book includes detailed descriptions of the Best Mass Building Exercises, a Beginning and Intermediate Training Program and full explanations of how to best utilize the MP6 Workout Program to achieve great gains in muscle mass and strength.
